3. Your First AMPS Program¶
In this chapter, we will learn more about the structure and features of the AMPS Python client and build our first Python program using AMPS.
About the Client Library¶
The AMPS client library is packaged as a single binary file. The
exact name of the file depends on the Python version and build
environment. You can find the file under the
directory of your AMPS Python client install once you’ve
completed the build process. If you have used a prepackaged .egg
or .whl
to install the Python client, the appropriate binary
file will be installed in your Python environment.
Every Python application you build will need to be able to reference the library. If you choose to install the python client into your local Python installation, then Python has access to the client library in the installation, and you do not need to include the library with each specific script. Otherwise, you will need to package and include the library with your script and ensure that the library is in the path where python looks for shared libraries, or ensure that the system where your application will run has installed the appropriate prepackaged build.
Connecting to AMPS¶
Let’s begin by writing a simple program that connects to an AMPS server and sends a single message to a topic. This code will be covered in detail just following the example.
import AMPS
import sys
uri_ = "tcp://"
client = AMPS.Client("examplePublisher")
client.publish("messages", '{ "hi" : "Hello, world!"}')
except AMPS.AMPSException as e:
In the example above, we show the entire program; but future examples will isolate one or more specific portions of the code.
Examining the Code¶
Let us revisit the code we listed above:
# These import the AMPS and sys packages. All programs written using the AMPS
# Python client will need to include the import AMPS statement at a minimum.
import AMPS
import sys
# The URI to use to connect to AMPS. The URI consists of the transport, the
# address, and the protocol to use for the AMPS connection. In this case, the
# transport is tcp, the address is, and the protocol is amps. This
# connection will be used for JSON messages. Check with the person who manages the
# AMPS instance to get the connection string to use for your programs.
uri_ = "tcp://"
# This line creates a new Client object. Client encapsulates a single connection
# to an AMPS server. Methods on Client allow for connecting, disconnecting,
# publishing, and subscribing to an AMPS server. The argument to the Client
# constructor, <quote>exampleClient</quote>, is a name chosen by the client to
# identify itself to the server. Errors relating to this connection will be logged
# with reference to this name, and AMPS uses this name to help detect duplicate
# messages. AMPS enforces uniqueness for client names when a transaction log is
# configured, and it is good practice to always use unique client names.
client = AMPS.Client("examplePublisher")
# Here, we open a try block that concludes with except AMPS.AMPSException as e.
# All exceptions in AMPS derive from AMPSException. If an operation throws another
# exception, AMPS will wrap that exception into the AMPSException you receive. For
# example, if the call to connect() fails because the provided address is not
# reachable, the AMPSException will contain an inner exception from the operating
# system, likely a SocketException.
# With this statement, we provide URI to the client and declare the AMPS
# connection.
# The AMPS logon() command connects to AMPS and creates a named connection.
# This version of logon() uses the DefaultAuthenticator. If we
# had provided logon credentials in the URI, that Authenticator would pass those
# credentials to AMPS. Without credentials, the client logs on to AMPS
# anonymously. AMPS versions 5.0 and later require a logon() command in the
# default configuration.
# If you need to provide credentials in a different way, implement an Authenticator
# and pass that Authenticator here in the 'authenticator' parameter.
# Here, we publish a single message to AMPS on the messages topic, containing the
# data Hello, world!. This data is placed into a JSON message and sent to the
# server. Upon successful completion of this function, the AMPS client has
# enqueued the message to be sent to the server, and subscribers to the messages
# topic will receive this JSON message: { "hi" : "Hello, world!" }.
client.publish("messages", '{ "hi" : "Hello, world!"}')
except AMPS.AMPSException as e:
# Here, we call publish_flush on the client. This command waits until all messages
# from the client have been sent. If messages may still be in the process of
# transmission when your application is ready to close the client, publish_flush
# helps ensure that the messages have been sent. In this case, we allow
# publish_flush to block indefinitely. A production application might specify a
# timeout, to avoid hanging in the event that the application loses connectivity
# before the messages have been sent.
# We close the connection to AMPS. While that doesn't matter here, since the
# application exits immediately after calling close(), it's good practice to close
# connections when you are done using them.
Example 3.1: Connecting to AMPS
Client Names¶
AMPS uses the name of the client as a session identifier and as part of the identifier for a message. For this reason, when a transaction log is enabled in the AMPS instance (that is, when the instance is recording a sequence of publishes and attempting to eliminate duplicate publishes), an AMPS instance will only allow one application with a given client name to connect to the instance.
When a transaction log is present, AMPS requires the client name for a publisher to be:
- Unique within a set of replicated AMPS instances
- Consistent from invocation to invocation if the publisher will be publishing the same logical stream of messages
If publishers do not meet this contract (for example, if the publisher changes its name and publishes the same messages, or if a different publisher uses the same session name), message loss or duplication can happen.
60East recommends always using consistent, unique client names. For example, the client name could be formed by combining the application name, an identifier for the host system, and the ID of the user running the application. A strategy like this provides a name that will be different for different users or on different systems, but consistent for instances of the application that should be treated as equivalent to the AMPS system.
Likewise, if a publisher is sending a completely independent stream of messages (for example, a microservice that sends a different, unrelated sequence of messages each time it connects to AMPS), there is no need for a publisher to retain the same name each time it starts. However, if a publisher is resuming a stream of messages (as in the case when using a file-backed publish store), that publisher must use the same client name, since the publisher is resuming the session.
Connection Strings¶
The AMPS clients use connection strings to determine the server, port, transport, and protocol to use to connect to AMPS. When the connection point in AMPS accepts multiple message types, the connection string also specifies the precise message type to use for this connection.
Connection strings have a number of elements:
Figure 3.1: Elements of a Connection String
As shown in the figure above, connection strings have the following elements:
Transport - Defines the network used to send and receive messages from AMPS. In this case, the transport is
. For connections to transports that use the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), usetcps
. For connections to AMPS over a Unix domain socket, useunix
.Host Address - Defines the destination on the network where the AMPS instance receives messages. The format of the address is dependent on the transport. For
, the address consists of a host name and port number. In this case, the host address islocalhost:9007
. Forunix
domain sockets, a value for hostname and port must be provided to form a valid URI, but the content of the hostname and port are ignored, and the file name provided in the path parameter is used instead (by convention, many connection strings uselocalhost:0
to indicate that this is a local connection that does not use TCP/IP).Protocol - Sets the format in which AMPS receives commands from the client. Most code uses the default
protocol, which sends header information in JSON format. AMPS supports the ability to develop custom protocols as extension modules, and AMPS also supports legacy protocols for backward compatibility.MessageType - Specifies the message type that this connection uses. This component of the connection string is required if the protocol accepts multiple message types and the transport is configured to accept multiple message types. If the protocol does not accept multiple message types, this component of the connection string is optional, and defaults to the message type specified in the transport.
Legacy protocols such as
only accept a single message type, and therefore do not require or accept a message type in the connection string.
As an example, a connection string such as:
would work for programs connecting from the local host to a
configured as follows:
<!-- This transport accepts any known message type for the instance: the
client must specify the message type. -->
See the AMPS Configuration Guide for more information on configuring transports.
Providing Credentials in a Connection String¶
When using the default authenticator, the AMPS clients support the standard format for including a username and password in a URI, as shown below:
When provided in this form, the default authenticator provides the username and password specified in the URI. If you have implemented another authenticator, that authenticator controls how passwords are provided to the AMPS server.
Connection Parameters¶
When specifying a URI to connect to an AMPS server, you can include a number of transport-specific options in the parameters section of the URI. Below is an example:
In this example, we have specified the AMPS instance on localhost
port 9007
, connecting to a transport that uses the amps
and sending JSON messages. We have also set two parameters: tcp_nodelay
, a
Boolean (true/false) parameter, and tcp_sndbuf
, an integer parameter.
Multiple parameters may be combined to finely tune settings available on
the transport. Normally, you’ll want to stick with the defaults on your
platform, but there may be some cases where experimentation and
fine-tuning will yield higher or more efficient performance.
The AMPS client supports the value of tcp
in the scheme component
connection string for TCP/IP connections, and the value of tcps
the scheme for SSL encrypted connections.
For connections that use Unix domain sockets, the client supports the
value of unix
in the scheme, and requires an additional option, as
described in the Unix Transport Parameters section below.
IPv6 Connections¶
Starting with version, the AMPS client supports creating connections over both IPv4 and IPv6 protocols if supported by the underlying Operating System.
By default, the AMPS client will prefer to resolve host names to IPv4 addresses,
but this behavior can be adjusted by supplying the ip_protocol_prefer
option, described in the table below.
TCP and SSL Transport Options¶
The following transport options are available for TCP connections:
Option | Description |
bind |
(IP address) Sets the interface to bind the outgoing socket to. Starting with version, both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are fully supported for use with this parameter. |
tcp_rcvbuf |
(integer) Sets the socket receive buffer size. This defaults to the
system default size. (On Linux, you can find the system default size
in /proc/sys/net/core/rmem_default .) |
tcp_sndbuf |
(integer) Sets the socket send buffer size. This defaults to the
system default size. (On Linux, you can find the system default size
in /proc/sys/net/core/wmem_default .) |
tcp_nodelay |
(boolean) Enables or disables the TCP_NODELAY setting on the
socket. By default TCP_NODELAY is disabled. |
tcp_linger |
(integer) Enables and sets the SO_LINGER value for the socket.
By default, SO_LINGER is enabled with a value of 10 , which
specifies that the socket will linger for 10 seconds. |
tcp_keepalive |
(boolean) Enables or disables the SO_KEEPALIVE value for the socket.
The default value for this option is true. |
ip_protocol_prefer |
(string) Influence the IP protocol to prefer during DNS resolution of the host. If a DNS entry of the preferred protocol can not be found, the other non-preferred protocol will then be tried. If this parameter is not set, the default will be to prefer IPv4. If an explicit IPv4 address or IPv6 IP address is provided as the host, the format of the IP address is used to determine the IP protocol used and this setting has no effect. Supported Values:
This parameter is available starting with version |
Unix Transport Parameters¶
The unix
transport type communicates over Unix domain sockets. This
transport requires the following additional option:
Option | Description |
path |
The path to the Unix domain socket to connect to. |
Unix domain sockets always connect to the local system. When the scheme
specified is unix
, the host address is ignored in the connection
string. For example, the connection string:
and the connection string:
are equivalent.
The other components of the connection string, including the protocol, message type, username, and authentication token are processed just as they would be for TCP/IP sockets.
AMPS Additional Logon Options¶
The connection string can also be used to pass logon parameters to AMPS. AMPS supports the following additional logon option:
Option | Description |
pretty |
Provide formatted representations of binary messages rather than the original message contents. |
Providing Credentials to AMPS¶
When a client logs on to AMPS, the client sends AMPS a username and password. The
username is derived from the URI, using the standard syntax for providing a
username in a URI. For example: tcp://JohnDoe:@server:port/amps/messagetype
, to include
the username JohnDoe
in the request.
For a given username, the password is provided by an Authenticator
. The AMPS client
distribution includes a DefaultAuthenticator
that simply returns the password,
if any, provided in the URI. A logon()
command that does not specify an
will use an instance of DefaultAuthenticator
If your authentication system requires a different authentication token, you
can implement an Authenticator
that provides the appropriate token.
Next Steps¶
You are now able to develop and deploy an application in Python that publishes messages to AMPS. In the following chapters, you will learn how to subscribe to messages, use content filters, work with SOW caches and fine-tune messages that you send.