Appendix A. Exceptions

The following table details each of the exception types thrown by AMPS.

Exception When Notes
AlreadyConnectedException Connecting Thrown when connect() is called on a Client that is already connected.
AMPSException Anytime Base class for all AMPS exceptions.
AuthenticationException Anytime Indicates that an authentication failure occurred on the server.
BadFilterException Subscribing This typically indicates a syntax error in a filter expression.
BadRegexTopicException Subscribing Indicates that a malformed regular expression was found in the topic name.
CommandException Anytime Base class for all exceptions relating to commands sent to AMPS.
ConnectionException Anytime Base class for all exceptions relating to the state of the AMPS connection.
ConnectionRefusedException Connecting The connection was actively refused by the server. Validate that the server is running, that network connectivity is available, and the settings on the client match those on the server.
DisconnectedException Anytime No connection is available when AMPS needed to send data to the server or the user’s disconnect handler threw an exception.
InvalidTopicException Subscribe or Query The topic is not configured for the requested operation. For example, a sow command was issued for a topic that is not in the SOW or a bookmark subscribe was issued for a topic that is not recorded in the transaction log.
InvalidTransportOptionsExc eption Connecting An invalid option or option value was specified in the URI.
InvalidURIException Connecting The URI string provided to connect() was formatted improperly.
MessageTypeException Connecting The class for a given transport’s message type was not found in AMPS.
MessageTypeNotFoundExcepti on Connecting The message type specified in the URI was not found in AMPS.
NameInUseException Connecting The client name (specified when instantiating Client) is already in use on the server.
NotEntitledException Connecting Subscribing The user does not have permission for the requested command (logging on or subscribing).
RetryOperationException Anytime An error occurred that caused processing of the last command to be aborted. Try issuing the command again.
StreamException Anytime Indicates that data corruption has occurred on the connection between the client and server. This usually indicates an internal error inside of AMPS—please contact AMPS support.
SubscriptionAlreadyExistsE xception Subscribing A subscription has been requested using the same CommandId as another subscription. Create a unique CommandId for every subscription.
TimedOutException Anytime A timeout occurred waiting for a response to a command.
TransportTypeException Connecting Thrown when a transport type, unknown to AMPS is selected in the URI.
UnknownException Anytime Thrown when an internal error occurs. Contact AMPS support immediately.

Table 1A: Exceptions supported in Client and HAClient