2. Installing the AMPS Client

Obtaining the Client

Before using the client, you will need to download and install it on your development computer. The client is packaged into a single file, amps-c++-client-<version>.tar.gz, where <version> is replaced by the version of the client, such as amps-c++-client-3.3.0.zip. In the following examples, the version number is omitted from the filename.

Once expanded, the amps-c++-client directory will be created, containing sources, samples and makefiles for the C++ client. You’re welcome to locate this directory anywhere that seems convenient; but for the remainder of this book, we’ll simply refer to this directory as the amps-c++-client directory.

Explore the client

The client is organized into a number of directories that you’ll be using through this book. Understanding this organization now will save you time in the future. The top level directories are:


The directory that contains built libraries. The distribution contains a set of pre-built libraries from 60East. You can use the prebuilt library or rebuild the library using the provided makefiles. Many applications rebuild the library using the exact compiler version and flags that they will use for the overall project.


Sources and makefile for the AMPS C++ client library.


Location of include files for C and C++ programs. When building your own program, you’ll add the include directory to your include path.


Getting started with a new C/C++ library can be challenging. For your reference, we provide a number of small samples, along with a makefile.

Build the Client

After unpacking the amps-c++-client directory, you must build the client library for your platform. To do so, change to the amps-c++-client directory and, from a command prompt, type:


to make a static library, or

SHARED=1 make

to make a shared object.

On Windows, from a Visual Studio Command Prompt, type:


Upon successful completion, the AMPS libraries and samples are built in the lib and samples directories, respectively.

Test Connectivity to AMPS

Before writing programs using AMPS, make sure connectivity to an AMPS server from this computer is working. Launch a terminal window and change the directory to the AMPS directory in your AMPS installation, and use spark to test connectivity to your server, for example:

./bin/spark ping -type fix -server

If you receive an error message, verify that your AMPS server is up and running, and work with your systems administrator to determine the cause of the connectivity issues. Without connectivity to AMPS, you will be unable to make the best use of this guide.