11. Using the AMPS C Client¶
The AMPS C/C++ client is built in two layers: the C layer that exposes lower-level primitives for sending and receiving messages to AMPS, and the C++ layer providing a set of abstractions over the C layer that makes it easier to work with AMPS and create robust applications. The C++ layer is recommended for many applications, since it offers a good balance of performance, control, and ease of use. If you are integrating AMPS into an environment that cannot host a C runtime, or if you need extremely fine-grained control over how your application interacts with AMPS, then you may choose to use the C layer directly.
The C Client offers low-level functionality for working with AMPS. With the C client, your application is responsible for correctly assembling the parameters to each command to AMPS and interpreting the response from AMPS. The C client does not provide higher-level abstractions such as publish stores, automatic failover and reconnection, sequence number management for published messages, and so on. Instead, you build the capabilities that your application needs over the low level primitives.
As an example, Example 11.1 shows a basic example written to use the C layer directly:
#include <amps.h>
int main()
/* At this point in the program, the necessary objects are declared
* in order to permit interaction with AMPS. When AMPS errors occur,
* their text is available through the amps_client_get_error() function,
* so it is here that we will create a small char array to hold the errors.
char errorBuffer[1024];
char clientName[256];
/* Here an amps_handle is declared for each object and message objects
* that are constructed later. An amps_handle is an opaque handle to
* an object constructed by AMPS, which cannot be dereferenced or used
* by means other than AMPS functions. amps_handle is the size of
* a pointer (that is, sizeof(void*) )and may be passed by value
* wherever needed.
* Notice that these handles are not yet initialized. The program will
* initialize them as it needs to use them.
amps_handle client;
amps_handle message;
amps_handle logon_command;
/* Next we declare an amps_result object, which is used to store the
* return value from functions that may fail, such as during connection or
* interaction with an AMPS server. Many AMPS functions return an
* amps_results.
amps_result result;
* AMPS clients should be constructed with a unique name that is
* consistent for each logical instance of the application.
* For sample purposes, we omit constructing the name and
* assume that generate_client_name() fills in the clientName
* array with an appropriate value.
generate_client_name(clientName, sizeof(clientName));
/* Here we construct our AMPS client with the unique, consistent name
* generated earlier. The initializes the client variable declared
* earlier.
* This function allocates resources that must be freed, and can only be
* freed by a corresponding call to amps_client_destroy.
client = amps_client_create(clientName);
/* This is how a connection is established; control continues to
* where the AMPS message is allocated.
result = amps_client_connect(client, "tcp://localhost:9007/amps/json");
if (result != AMPS_E_OK) {
amps_client_get_error(client, errorBuffer, sizeof(errorBuffer));
printf("error %s\n", errorBuffer);
/* Since the client was previously created,
* it must be destroyed.
return 1;
/* AMPS applications communicate with the AMPS server by sending and
* receiving messages. A logon command, like any other command, is
* simply a message to AMPS.
* Instead of calling a function that assembles
* and sends the logon command, we construct the command ourselves.
* The amps_message_create function creates a message and returns
* an opaque handle to the message. In this example, we create
* the message that we will use to send a logon command to AMPS.
* When a message is created, the AMPS C client allocates resources
* that must be freed by a corresponding call to the
* amps_message_destroy function.
* Notice that the function uses information from
* the connected client handle to construct the correct
* message for the protocol the connection uses.
logon_command = amps_message_create(client);
/* When a message is created in the AMPS C client, the message
* contains no information at all. To make the message a logon
* command, we need to set the command type to "logon".
* The C client provides a number of functions to assist in
* interacting with the data and fields of a message. In this
* example _nts functions are used, which allow for quick population
* of messages fields and data with C-style null-terminated strings.
* The next few lines add a minimal set of fields for the logon
* command.
* See the AMPS Command Reference for the full set of header fields
* supported. For simplicity in this basic example, we set the smallest
* number of fields possible. For example, this sample does not
* provide a user name or password on the command, nor does the
* command request an acknowledgment message. In this case, the
* application relies on the fact that AMPS will disconnect the
* client if the logon command fails (causing subsequent commands
* to fail).
* Production applications should register a message handler, request
* acknowledgments for each command, and take appropriate actions if the
* command fails.
* Because we are passing string literals, we use the _nts variant of
* amps_message_set_field_value. This variant accepts a NULL-terminated
* string. Other variants of amps_message_set_field value accept a
* length, for use with strings that are not guaranteed to be
* null-terminated.
amps_message_set_field_value_nts(m, AMPS_Command, "logon");
amps_message_set_field_value_nts(m, AMPS_ClientName, clientName);
amps_message_set_field_value_nts(m, AMPS_MessageType, "json");
/* Once the command is constructed, we send the message.
* All interaction with AMPS is asynchronous. This means that
* the return from amps_client_send does not indicate the
* result of the command that the application sent to AMPS. Instead, the
* return value indicates whether the AMPS client was able to send the
* command to AMPS.
result = amps_client_send(client, logon_command);
if (result != AMPS_E_OK)
amps_client_get_error(client, errorBuffer, sizeof(errorBuffer));
printf("error %s\n", errorBuffer);
/* In the case of an error, the application needs to destroy
* both the logon command and the client.
return 1;
/* Free the resources associated with the logon_command message by
* calling amps_message_destroy with the message.
/* As with the logon command, we must construct a message
* that contains a publish message. While the C++ client
* constructs and sends the message for us, with the C client we construct
* them ourselves. Note that this line also allocates resources that must
* be freed by a corresponding amps_message_destroy function.
message = amps_message_create(client);
/* These next few lines are responsible for setting the necessary fields
* and data to construct a valid publish message for AMPS.
* As before, because this sample uses string literals, we use the
* set_field variant that accepts a null-terminated string.
amps_message_set_field_value_nts(message, AMPS_CommandId, "12345");
amps_message_set_field_value_nts(message, AMPS_Command, "publish");
amps_message_set_field_value_nts(message, AMPS_Topic, "messages");
amps_message_set_data_nts(message, "{\"message\":\"HelloWorld\"}");
/* Once the message is constructed to our satisfaction, it is sent. As
* with the logon command, AMPS processes the publish command asynchronously.
* If an acknowledgment is requested, AMPS returns the acknowledgment
* message in response to the publish command. Your application must
* process that acknowledgment asynchronously.
result = amps_client_send(client, message);
if (result != AMPS_E_OK) {
/* Any errors from sending the message are detected and
* examined here
amps_client_get_error(client, errorBuffer, sizeof(errorBuffer));
printf("error sending: %s\n", errorBuffer);
* As before, the application must destroy the message
* and the client before returning the error result.
return 1;
* Since the application, is done with the message,
* we must free it.
* If the application were going to send multiple publish commands,
* it could reset the values in the message and reuse the same
* message object.
* ... other processing here as needed ...
/* Free the remaining AMPS resources by
* destroying the client.
return 0;
Example 11.1: Connecting and publishing a message in C
Structurally, the example in C and in C++ are similar. In the C program more details are needed to form your program, and the messages that are sent need to be constructed directly, instead of having portions of the message already created.
With the C client, your application is responsible for forming commands to AMPS, receiving the responses, and interpreting the results. As mentioned above, the AMPS Command Reference contains detailed information on the headers that need to be set for specific commands. The Command Cookbook in 10. AMPS Programming: Working with Commands contains information on how to set headers for commonly used AMPS commands.
C Client Functionality¶
The C client provides a very basic interface. The client allows you to:
- Connect to AMPS
- Create commands to AMPS in the appropriate protocol format
- Send commands to AMPS
- Receive messages from AMPS
- Retrieve headers and data from messages received from AMPS
- Detect connection errors and respond as needed
The C client does not include any more complex functionality. For example, the C++ client includes the ability to automatically track multiple subscriptions and dispatch messages to different callbacks for each subscription. With the C client, to support multiple subscriptions your application must receive messages, interpret the headers, and dispatch to the appropriate callback. Likewise, the C++ client includes support for reliable publication, resumable subscriptions, automatic failover, automatic handling of AMPS failure acknowledgments when sending a command, and so on. With the C client, your application is responsible for implementing the equivalent functionality if it is needed.
When to Use the C Client¶
For most applications, 60East recommends using the C++ client. The C client can be a good option in cases where:
- The application is very simple. For example, an application that simply publishes messages without regard to whether the messages succeed or not (such as an IoT application delivering near-real-time sensor data), or an application that simply queries a SOW topic and writes to a file.
- Environments where C++ is not available. For example, some embedded environments do not support a C++ runtime.
In cases where an application is written in C by convention or choice, but would like to take advantage of C++ client functionality, a good option can be to create a lightweight C-language wrapper around the C++ client. 60East support can provide guidance and a sample of one way to wrap the client for this option.
Error Handing in the C Client¶
Because the C client does not contain automatic acknowledgment processing, most C programs have two distinct types of error handling:
Detecting client-side failure Failure in the C client is indicated with the return value from one of the C client functions. This covers client-side failures only, such as attempting to send a message before the client is connected, attempting to set a value on a field that isn’t known to the AMPS C client, and so on. The application handles these errors by checking the return value of the function call, and taking whatever recovery steps are appropriate. When these errors occur on a function call, this indicates an error in the local application, not a response from the server.
For these failures,
provides a way to retrieve descriptive text for the error.Detecting failure acknowledgments Failure at the server is indicated by the value failure in the
field of an acknowledgment message returned from the server. If an application needs to know the success or failure of a command from the server, the application should request an acknowledgment and register a message handler to receive the response from the server. For most commands, the application would request aprocessed
acknowledgment, which is returned when the server has received the command and processed it for execution. For publish commands, if the application needs to know that the data was safely persisted, the application would request thepersisted
acknowledgment. There are more details on message acknowledgments in the User Guide, and the set of acknowledgments for each command and the fields that AMPS provides on the acknowledgment messages for each command are described in the Command Reference.For these failures, the
field of the acknowledgment contains a description of the failure.Notice that the other clients handle the acknowledgments that indicate success or failure transparently in most cases. As an example, the C++ client requests a
acknowledgment for asubscribe
command, and if that acknowledgment indicates that the command failed, the C++ client inspects thereason
for the failure and throws the appropriate exception. With the C client, though, an application must explicitly receive and handle acknowledgments from the server.Not all applications require failure notifications from the server for all commands. For example, systems that publish high-velocity ticker symbols or real-time telemetry to AMPS may not bother to request
acknowledgments for publish commands. For these applications, it may not be important to republish or report a failed update, since the information is out of date by the time AMPS returns the acknowledgment message. In general, 60East recommends requesting an acknowledgment any time that your application would take different steps if a command to the server fails, or if logging that information would be important for monitoring.
C Client Samples¶
The C/C++ client distribution contains the following sample to demonstrate using the C client directly:
Sample Name | Demonstrates |
publish_and_sow.c |
Publishing messages to a State-of-the-World topic and then querying the contents of the topic. This sample also demonstrates how to handle disconnection in the C client. |