AMPS C/C++ Client Class Reference
AMPS C/C++ Client Version
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //
3 // Copyright (c) 2010-2024 60East Technologies Inc., All Rights Reserved.
4 //
5 // This computer software is owned by 60East Technologies Inc. and is
6 // protected by U.S. copyright laws and other laws and by international
7 // treaties. This computer software is furnished by 60East Technologies
8 // Inc. pursuant to a written license agreement and may be used, copied,
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10 // license agreement and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice.
11 // This computer software or any other copies thereof may not be provided
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14 // U.S. Government Restricted Rights. This computer software: (a) was
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21 // Government's use, duplication or disclosure of the computer software
22 // is subject to the restrictions set forth by 60East Technologies Inc..
23 //
26 #ifndef _HACLIENT_H_
27 #define _HACLIENT_H_
29 #include <amps/ampsplusplus.hpp>
30 #include <amps/HAClientImpl.hpp>
32 #include <amps/PublishStore.hpp>
43 namespace AMPS
44 {
67  class HAClient : public Client
68  {
69  public:
74  : Client(new HAClientImpl(std::string()))
75  {
76  }
87  HAClient(const std::string& name_)
88  : Client(new HAClientImpl(name_))
89  {
90  }
95  HAClient(HAClientImpl* body_) : Client((ClientImpl*)body_) {}
100  HAClient(const HAClient& rhs) : Client((const Client&)rhs) {}
106  {
107  Client::operator=((const Client&)rhs);
108  return *this;
109  }
114  void setTimeout(int timeout_)
115  {
116  getBody().setTimeout(timeout_);
117  }
122  int getTimeout() const
123  {
124  return getBody().getTimeout();
125  }
133  void setReconnectDelay(int reconnectDelay_)
134  {
135  getBody().setReconnectDelay((unsigned int)reconnectDelay_);
136  }
141  int getReconnectDelay() const
142  {
143  return (int)(getBody().getReconnectDelay());
144  }
154  {
155  getBody().setReconnectDelayStrategy(strategy_);
156  }
166  {
167  return getBody().getReconnectDelayStrategy();
168  }
175  std::string getLogonOptions(void) const
176  {
177  return getBody().getLogonOptions();
178  }
183  void setLogonOptions(const char* logonOptions_)
184  {
185  getBody().setLogonOptions(logonOptions_);
186  }
191  void setLogonOptions(const std::string& logonOptions_)
192  {
193  getBody().setLogonOptions(logonOptions_);
194  }
200  {
201  return getBody().getServerChooser();
202  }
208  void setServerChooser(const ServerChooser& serverChooser_)
209  {
210  getBody().setServerChooser(serverChooser_);
211  }
235  static HAClient createMemoryBacked(const std::string& name_)
236  {
237  HAClient client(name_);
239  client.setPublishStore(Store(new MemoryPublishStore(10000)));
240  return client;
241  }
246  // that is named subscribeLogName_.
267  static HAClient createFileBacked(const std::string& name_,
268  const std::string& publishLogName_,
269  const std::string& subscribeLogName_)
270  {
271  HAClient client(name_);
273  new MMapBookmarkStore(subscribeLogName_)));
274  client.setPublishStore(Store(new PublishStore(publishLogName_)));
275  return client;
276  }
284  {
285  getBody().connectAndLogon();
286  }
291  bool disconnected() const
292  {
293  return getBody().disconnected();
294  }
300  ConnectionInfo getConnectionInfo() const
301  {
302  return getBody().getConnectionInfo();
303  }
311  ConnectionInfo gatherConnectionInfo() const // -V524
312  {
313  return getBody().getConnectionInfo();
314  }
316  private:
317  // Must make disconnect handler a friend to call the internal version
318  // of connectAndLogon so that the _disconnected flag won't get reset.
319  friend void HAClientImpl::HADisconnectHandler::invoke(Client&, void*);
324  HAClient(const Client& rhs)
325  : Client(rhs)
326  {
327  assert(typeid(HAClientImpl) == typeid(_body.get()));
328  }
330  void connectAndLogonInternal()
331  {
332  getBody().connectAndLogonInternal();
333  }
335  const HAClientImpl& getBody() const
336  {
337  return dynamic_cast<const HAClientImpl&>(_body.get());
338  }
340  HAClientImpl& getBody()
341  {
342  return dynamic_cast<HAClientImpl&>(_body.get());
343  }
345  }; // class HAClient
346  inline void HAClientImpl::HADisconnectHandler::invoke(Client& client, void*)
347  {
348  HAClient haClient(client);
349  // Intentional disconnect, bail
350  if (haClient.disconnected())
351  {
352  return;
353  }
354  DisconnectedException de("Disconnected");
355  haClient.getServerChooser().reportFailure((AMPSException&)de,
356  haClient.gatherConnectionInfo());
357  try
358  {
359  haClient.connectAndLogonInternal();
360  }
361  catch ( AMPSException& )
362  {
363  // -V565
364  }
365  }
367 }// namespace AMPS
369 #endif //_HACLIENT_H_
void reportFailure(const AMPSException &exception_, const ConnectionInfo &info_)
Called by HAClient when an error occurs connecting to the current URI, and/or when an error occurs lo...
Definition: ServerChooser.hpp:86
Client(const std::string &clientName="")
Constructs a new client with a given client name.
Definition: ampsplusplus.hpp:5085
bool disconnected() const
Return whether or not the client is disconnected.
Definition: HAClient.hpp:291
void setPublishStore(const Store &publishStore_)
Set the publish store to be used by the client.
Definition: ampsplusplus.hpp:5438
HAClient(const std::string &name_)
Create an HAClient with the given name.
Definition: HAClient.hpp:87
Provides AMPS::MemoryBookmarkStore, a bookmark store that holds bookmarks in memory.
std::string getLogonOptions(void) const
Get the options passed to the server during logon.
Definition: HAClient.hpp:175
A BookmarkStoreImpl implementation that uses a memory mapped file for storage of the bookmarks...
Definition: MMapBookmarkStore.hpp:56
Provides AMPS::PublishStore, a publish store that uses memory-mapped files to provide a publish store...
STL namespace.
ConnectionInfo getConnectionInfo() const
Get the connection information for the current connection.
Definition: HAClient.hpp:300
HAClient(const HAClient &rhs)
Copy constructor, makes a new reference to the same body.
Definition: HAClient.hpp:100
Client represents a connection to an AMPS server, but does not provide failover or reconnection behav...
Definition: ampsplusplus.hpp:5068
void setServerChooser(const ServerChooser &serverChooser_)
Set the ServerChooser used to determine the URI used when trying to connect and logon to AMPS...
Definition: HAClient.hpp:208
A StoreImpl implementation that uses a memory-mapped file to provide a publish store that persists ac...
Definition: PublishStore.hpp:46
Core type, function, and class declarations for the AMPS C++ client.
Interface for BookmarkStoreImpl classes.
Definition: BookmarkStore.hpp:228
Create an HAClient with no name The name for the client must be set using setName before it can be us...
Definition: HAClient.hpp:73
int getReconnectDelay() const
The current delay in milliseconds between reconnect attempts.
Definition: HAClient.hpp:141
void setReconnectDelay(int reconnectDelay_)
Set the delay between reconnect attempts in milliseconds.
Definition: HAClient.hpp:133
void setBookmarkStore(const BookmarkStore &bookmarkStore_)
Set the bookmark store to be used by the client.
Definition: ampsplusplus.hpp:5386
Provides AMPS::MemoryPublishStore, a publish store that holds messages in memory. ...
void setLogonOptions(const char *logonOptions_)
Set the options passed to the server during logon.
Definition: HAClient.hpp:183
int getTimeout() const
Get the current timeout used when attempting to log into AMPS.
Definition: HAClient.hpp:122
void setTimeout(int timeout_)
Set the timeout used when logging into AMPS.
Definition: HAClient.hpp:114
ReconnectDelayStrategy is called by AMPS::HAClient to determine how long to wait between attempts to ...
Definition: ReconnectDelayStrategy.hpp:44
HAClient & operator=(const HAClient &rhs)
Assignment operator, the body will be shared after this.
Definition: HAClient.hpp:105
A BookmarkStoreImpl implementation that stores bookmarks in memory.
Definition: MemoryBookmarkStore.hpp:57
Abstract base class for choosing amongst multiple URIs for both the initial connection and reconnecti...
Definition: ServerChooser.hpp:46
ServerChooser getServerChooser() const
Return the ServerChooser currently used by the HAClient.
Definition: HAClient.hpp:199
void connectAndLogon()
Connect and logon to AMPS using the server(s) from the ServerChooser set on this HAClient and the Aut...
Definition: HAClient.hpp:283
Handle class for StoreImpl classes that track publish messages.
Definition: ampsplusplus.hpp:1212
Provides AMPS::MMapBookmarkStore, a bookmark store that uses a memory mapped file to provide efficien...
A highly-available Client that automatically reconnects and re-subscribes to AMPS instances upon disc...
Definition: HAClient.hpp:67
static HAClient createMemoryBacked(const std::string &name_)
Creates an HAClient with the given name that uses a memory-based Store for publish messages and a mem...
Definition: HAClient.hpp:235
void setReconnectDelayStrategy(const ReconnectDelayStrategy &strategy_)
Set the ReconnectDelayStrategy used to control delay behavior when connecting and reconnecting to ser...
Definition: HAClient.hpp:153
void setLogonOptions(const std::string &logonOptions_)
Set the options passed to the server during logon.
Definition: HAClient.hpp:191
ReconnectDelayStrategy getReconnectDelayStrategy(void) const
Get the ReconnectDelayStrategy used to control delay behavior when connecting and reconnecting to ser...
Definition: HAClient.hpp:165
Definition: ampsplusplus.hpp:102
static HAClient createFileBacked(const std::string &name_, const std::string &publishLogName_, const std::string &subscribeLogName_)
Creates an HAClient with the given name that uses a file-based Store for publish messages that is nam...
Definition: HAClient.hpp:267
HAClient(HAClientImpl *body_)
Create an HAClient wrapping the given implementation, used internally.
Definition: HAClient.hpp:95
A StoreImpl implementation that uses MemoryStoreBuffer as its buffer to hold published messages in me...
Definition: MemoryPublishStore.hpp:44
ConnectionInfo gatherConnectionInfo() const
Definition: HAClient.hpp:311