11. amps-sqlite3

For more information on working with the AMPS statistics database, see the chapter on the AMPS Statistics Database in the AMPS User Guide.

The AMPS distribution includes a convenience script, amps-sqlite3, for easily running queries against a statistics database. This script requires a Python 2.6, 2.7, or 3.X interpreter that includes the sqlite3 module. Most Linux distributions meet this requirement in the default installation.

Options and Parameters

The script takes two parameters, as shown below:

amps-sqlite3 parameters
Parameter Description
The sqlite3 database file to query.
The query to run. Notice that the query must be enclosed in quotes, since this is a command-line program run by the Linux shell.

The amps-sqlite3 script joins the STATIC and DYNAMIC tables together, making a single table that is easier to query on. For example, the script joins the ICLIENTS_DYNAMIC and ICLIENTS_STATIC tables together into a single ICLIENTS table.

The amps-sqlite3 wrapper also provides a set of convenience functions that can be included in the query. These functions are evaluated before the query is presented to the sqlite3 database engine.

Convenience Functions

amps-sqlite3 convenience functions
Option Description
ISO8601(timestamp) Convert timestamp to an ISO8601 format string.
ISO8601_local(timestamp) Convert timestamp to an ISO8601 format string in the local timezone.
timestamp(string) Convert the provided ISO8601 format string to a timestamp.


To use the amps-sqlite3 script, simply provide the file name of the database to query and the query to run. For example, the following query returns the set of samples AMPS has recorded for the system_percent consumed on each CPU while the instance has been running:

$ amps-sqlite3 stats.db "select iso8601(timestamp),system_percent from hcpus order by timestamp"